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Health Benefits

Money cannot buy fresh home grown vegetables nor can money buy hive products of this quality.
Field bees return to the hive with 'specific' pollens and nectars where nurse bees receive and digest this food, adding enzymes to it before storing for baby food. Nurse bees only produce these enzymes during their first three weeks of bee life.

Beekeeping for medicinal purposes

I assume that the readers will be interested to learn that except two common ways of bees’ existence - wild life of bees in nature and commercial beekeeping, there is also different way of beekeeping - Beekeeping for medicinal purposes.

Honey: The Great Cure-All?

It is found the mixture of honey and cinnamon cures most of the diseases.
Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a “Ram Ban”(very effective) Medicine for all kinds of diseases.

Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases.

Selection of honey for use on wounds

Honey is one of the oldest known medicines that has continued to be used up to present times in folk-medicine. Its use has been "rediscovered" in later times by the medical profession, especially for dressingwounds. The numerous reports of the effectiveness of honey in wound management, including reports of several randomised controlled trials, have recently been reviewed, rapid clearance of infection from the treated wounds being a commonly recorded observation.In almost all of these reports honey is referred to generically, there being no indication given of any awareness of the variability that generally is found in natural products. Yet the ancient physicians were aware of differences in the therapeutic value of the honeys available to them: Aristotle (384-322 BC), discussing differences in honeys, referred to pale honey being "good as a salve for sore eyes and wounds"; and Dioscorides (c.50 AD) stated that a pale yellow honey from Attica was the best, being "good for all rotten and hollow ulcers".